Evidence (1)

Qianbei Ye slowly rose to his feet. The light from the setting sun cast a glow upon his silvery hair, rendering him a sight so magnificent and no one could turn away from.

However, Xia Chuxue was only slightly moved. After all, her heart only beheld the aloof and sovereign monarch! Qianbei Ye might be more beautiful than Supreme Jin but he could not surpass the position that Supreme Jin holds in her heart.

If it were not for her father's orders, she would never have wanted to do this.

"What are you trying to do?"

A hint of panic flashed in Xia Chuxue's eyes as she noticed Qianbei Ye walking towards her. Could this man have possibly fallen for me after hearing my words? No, I cannot devote my body to him! Aside from Supreme Jin, no one else can touch me!

As she watched the man drawing closer towards her, Xia Chuxue completely forgot Xia Ming's orders. A ray of light enveloped her hand as she slammed it towards Qianbei Ye's chest.