Setting Up False Charges (4)

Xiao Zixie appeared out of thin air and sat a chair. He sipped from a teacup on the table before turning to face Gu Ruoyun.

"You should let Lu Chen go then."

"You want me to release him?" Gu Ruoyun looked at Xiao Zixie with a smile that did not reach her eyes, "Why?"

"Idiot," Xiao Zixie rolled his eyes at her, his large irises making a big circle before he smiled maliciously, "If they're so eager to make an exhibition of themselves, let them. In three days' time, Qianbei Ye would have returned. When that time comes, we can start a fight in their wedding and turn their happy occasion into a funeral while we're at it."

"That doesn't sound too bad." Gu Ruoyun stroked her chin as she smiled and nodded, "On this day, Lu Chen's suffering shall be at an end. I'll ask Yunyao to release him. We'll wait for the wedding to present them with an earth-shattering surprise."

It has been six years!

It's time for me to put all this to an end.