The Xia Family's Destruction (17)

"You, what did you just put into my mouth?" Lu Chen hurriedly shoved his finger down his throat and tried to dig out whatever he had been forced to swallow. However, his body has already ingested it so there was no way for him to spit it out.

Qianbei Ye glanced at Lu Chen and turned his attention towards Xia Linyu, " I've just fed him a Soul Gnawing Fruit. I had found this Soul Gnawing Fruit by accident but it's nothing good. It can make anyone who has consumed the fruit to be unable to die for three days. This also means that no matter what you do, he cannot die. Even if you were to cut off his head, he would still be alive! However, after three days, this Soul Gnawing Fruit will gradually consume his soul until he no longer exists in this world."

The price of the Soul Gnawing Fruit was rather steep, even if it grants one immortality for three days, it would turn one's soul to ashes in the end. No one would ever use it to lengthen their own lifespan!