Zixie's Homecoming (1)

However, it was already too late!

She was now in the middle of the boiling lava, how could she possibly soar into the sky! She could only stare with wide eyes as the lava slowly swallowed her body away from their sight.

"It's a good thing that I've brought a ranged spiritual weapon with defense abilities. Coupled with the fact that we had been able to escape in time, we managed to avoid disaster this time."

Lan Shao wiped the cold sweat from his brow. He then descended to a safe place, put Bai Yin down, before slowly heaving a sigh of relief.

As for the cultivators who had tagged along with him, they had not been as lucky. Everyone could hear those cultivators falling into the magma like dumplings. They then no longer showed any signs of life...

Old Man Jiang was dazed as he stared dumbfoundedly at the boiling magma and muttered to himself.

"She had reacted so quickly, she had clearly been able to escape. Why..."