Main City, Four Great Families (2)

"I never thought that we would arrive in Main City so soon. Unfortunately, I could not find any of the other medicinal herbs along the way."

Outside the city gate, a green-robed woman paused in her steps. Her eyes stared at the grand, ancient city gate in a profound manner before muttering, "Let's go. I'm going to the Medicine Manor for a while. Since the Medicine Sect has given the Northern Block Territory to me, the Medicine Manor shall be our official lodgings in the Northern Block Territory from now on."

She slowly walked through the city gates as she spoke.

The man in purple robes who was following next to her smiled mildly. His purple eyes were like colored glass and displayed an enchanting light. There was no doubt that this man was extremely handsome. Clad in long purple robes, he looked awe-inspiring, demonic, and incomparably noble.

He looked like a true aristocrat and was so beautiful that he could strike a chord in one's heart!