She's Gu Ruoyun? (5)

Poor Lan Shao had chosen to believe Bai Yin's words. This determined his ultimate tragic fate!

"Lan Shao, have you ever wondered how Gu Ruoyun had managed to survive?" Bai Yin's eyes flickered before she sneered, "After I discovered her arrival in Main City, I've been in deep thought for a few days and I have one conclusion!"

Lan Shao shook a little as his eyes stared unblinkingly at Bai Yin, waiting for the next part of her explanation.

Bai Yin's voice grew even colder, resembling an icebox, "If my guess is right, the space beneath the lava must hold a Divine Weapon. Perhaps Gu Ruoyun has already obtained that Divine Weapon."

A Divine Weapon!

Those words entered Lan Shao's heart and caused it to tremble. A sense of greed then flashed across his pale face.

To the people on the mainland, a Divine Weapon was just as important as pills.