The Strong Assemble In The Medicine Manor (3)

At that time, the Great Elder never thought that while the Grand Lord Hong Lian was indeed on his way to Main City, his arrival in Main City would bring about a doomsday for the Lan family...

It was evening and the lights were lit.

The entire street in front of the Medicine Manor was now bustling with excitement. Countless grand carriages have stopped in the road, causing an extremely narrow squeeze until not even a single person could walk through it.

At the same time, the number of powerful cultivators who were descending from the sky was no small matter either as they congregated in front of the Medicine Manor's gate.

Everyone in Main City could not help but gasp at the sight of the powerful cultivators who have arrived in Main City.

All the Martial Supremes have assembled here!

In this world now, who else has the power to command such a rallying force aside from the Medicine Manor's Master?