Deep Feelings (5)

The man carefully tasted her lips before his hand began to move in a dishonest manner as it trailed down from her neck. Just as his hand reached her stomach, another tender hand grabbed it.

The woman, whose eyes had been gently closed, suddenly opened her eyes. A small smile had appeared on the corners of her lips.

"Xiao Ye, when have you become so vulgar?"

The man that Gu Ruoyun was staring at smiled gently. His blood-red eyes were filled with deep love and joy. His smile shone as brilliantly as the sun on his peerlessly beautiful face.

Even though Gu Ruoyun had known this man for many years, she was still deeply mesmerized by his features.

Not many others would have such beautiful features as well.

"I only wanted to find out how much longer do you plan on pretending to sleep."

His smile was very beautiful and deeply moving. However, it would only be shown to one person.