Deep Feelings (8)

Wait a minute!

Suddenly, Grand Lord Hong Lian seemed to remember something and a fiery rage rose within his being.

So what if Qianbei Ye is willing to become our adopted son-in-law? No matter what he says, it does not change the fact that this damned kid had taken advantage of my absence and licked my precious daughter clean.

To this day, the unfortunate Grand Lord Hong Lian was still not aware that this particular thing he was thinking of has not yet taken place between Gu Ruoyun and Qianbei Ye. All of that had been a lie which was concocted by Qianbei Ye...

Gu Ruoyun stared at Qianbei Ye who had just walked back into the room. She smiled gently as she asked, "Xiao Ye, do you really plan to become an adopted son-in-law for my father's sake?"

Clearly, she had overheard their conversation from the room.