The Emissaries Of First City (3)

The emissary took one last look at Gu Ruoyun and her father before he then turned around to head out of the great hall.

Just as he was about to step out the door, a head full of silvery hair glided across his sight, carrying a gloomy aura that made his heart race.

Silver hair and crimson robes!

It was said that not too long ago, a peerless genius had appeared in the First City. No one had known what his name was and all they know was his signifying features! He had a head full of silver hair and was dressed in crimson robes as he drove ten thousand beasts and cut across the vast skies!

"That must be a coincidence."

The emissary shook his head. What would a peerless genius of the First City be doing in a place like this? Even though this person has silver hair and red robes as well, he might not be that man...

He no longer hesitated at the thought of this as he led the group of members from the First City out of the Medicine Manor.