The Woman In White (4)

Elder Yun did not reply but her eyes remained fixed upon Gu Ruoyun, unsure if she was mistaken or not. She could not shake off the feeling that this woman was not all that simple, at least not like what Elder Mei says Gu Ruoyun was.

"Let's go."

She pondered for a short while before she ordered calmly and turned away.


Just as the crowd was about to reach the top of the mountain, an angry roar rang out from the top of the mountain. It was so powerful that the entire mountain range shook.

"Looks like someone is battling against a spiritual beast at the top of the mountain!"

Feng Yuqing's eyes sank as he fixed his gaze on the top of the mountain. He was momentarily silent before he said, "Come, let's go have a look. I can sense that the cultivator who is battling against that spiritual beast is very powerful. Her power seems to surpass everyone amongst us."