Ruins, Inheritance (10)

After the last fight, the atmosphere in the ruins had returned to silence. As for those who had died under the claws of the spiritual beasts, no one bothered too much about them and trampled over their bodies as they continued on their journey.

Suddenly, when they had reached the middle of the long pathway in the ruins, a powerful aura was sensed by them all. However, the powerful spiritual beasts who were hidden away did not charge out at them. Instead, they began to probe their bodies as if they were trying to find something.

When their search turned out to be fruitless, the spiritual beasts retracted their aura and allowed the cultivators to pass through the long pathway.

Everyone sighed with relief. It was a good thing that they had listened to Elder Yun's advice and left the treasures behind them. Otherwise, the hidden spiritual beasts would definitely attack them again!

"I never thought that humans would come here again after so many years."