Ruins, Inheritance (12)

"Let's go!"

Elder Yun was far more composed in comparison to Elder Mei, she was also more adaptable to the circumstances! She then grabbed Elder Mei's arm without giving her any chance for consideration and pulled out a marked disc from her sleeve!

"This... Is this a transportation disc? Did the Sect Master give this to you?"

Elder Mei's eyes were filled with shock when she saw this as if she never thought that their Sect Master would gift such a valuable item to Elder Yun.

Elder Yun did not give her any chance for further consideration. There was a popping sound as the two women who had been standing in front of the black-robed man suddenly vanished in a puff of smoke.

The black-robed man's eyes grew even colder as his body emitted an ill-intentioned aura.

After a long pause, he turned his gaze towards the other people who had been left behind...