Wind Valley (9)

Feng Xiaoxiao's face, which was initially calm, changed greatly when she heard this. "Idiot!" she shouted angrily.

Her shout shocked Elder Bai into a daze. He simply could not understand what he had done to draw the Eldest Lady's ire.

"Are you not an idiot?" Feng Xiaoxiao slammed her hand on the table and exclaimed with an ugly look on her face. "How could a cunning woman like Gu Ruoyun possibly believe your false charges so easily? If you hadn't said a thing, she would not have any proof that Wind Valley had been behind it. Even if she has her guesses, she would not use these guesses to conclude Wind Valley's actions! Yet you had put Feng Yuqing's name right out. While it does kill two birds with one stone, it also reveals that Wind Valley was behind the assassination attempt!"