Lin Family, Revenge (7)

"Only the people who oppose the Lin family's orders should die?" Gu Ruoyun gently raised the corner of her lips as a murderous intent came whirling from within her. "Does that mean that the Lin family members can kill a group of innocent villagers without mercy? Those villagers had never done anything wrong. All they did was to take me in yet you had let your hatred out on them and murdered all those innocent lives!"

Gu Ruoyun's heart would throb painfully and the murderous intent in her heart would deepen whenever remembers the devastation at Wind Fall Village.

"They never knew about the grudge between us. Besides, those villagers did not have one drop of power in them, they weren't even cultivators! They were only average citizens who lived in Wind Fall Village yet you completely ransacked the entire place. How is this any different from bandits?"
