Early-Stage Exceptional State (16)

Besides, just before that memory had faded out, she had clearly seen a figure in red's appearance.

Could it be that the figure in red was Qianbei Ye?

"What is this place then? Could it be another memory?" Gu Ruoyun pondered for a moment. "Why is the Ancient Divine Pagoda showing me this memory? And Qianbei Ye... Just who is he?"

Qianbei Ye's eyes carried an eerily cold chill under the sky. His magnificent features displayed a gloomy air.

"I heard that you've forged the Ancient Divine Pagoda?"

The Ancient Divine Pagoda?


Gu Ruoyun's eyes filled with shock. Could it be that this woman had also created the Ancient Divine Pagoda?

Who on earth was she?

She even had the ability to forge the Ancient Divine Pagoda? Why is she showing me this?