Chu Luo Of The Ghost Order (10)

The Secret Order's inheritance was said to be able to quickly raise a cultivator's level of power.

Hence, organizations of all sizes in the First City have arrived to participate in this competition all for the sake of this inheritance. Celestial Mountain was now fully occupied by cultivators, causing the spiritual beasts to hide their presence, afraid that the humans would slaughter them.

"Master, there are too many people here. Leave the registration to me, you should go and get some rest." Zi Yun suggested with reverence as he looked at Gu Ruoyun.

"There's no need."

Gu Ruoyun shook her head, "It will be our turn soon, just wait for a little while more."

Upon hearing this, Zi Yun then turned towards the line in front of them and sighed exasperatedly as he said, "The Secret Order certainly has enough valiant charisma to have attracted so many people so quickly. I wonder how long we have to stand in line for."