She's Not Dead (4)

"Haha, Gu Ruoyun, you can't be thinking of using this broken sword to fight me?" Her smile was filled with ridicule as she stared disdainfully at Gu Ruoyun. "You can't even break our defenses with that sword yet you want to use it in a fight against us, what a joke!"

Gu Ruoyun remained as cool and calm as ever as she stared at the crowd charing towards her as if she had not heard Murong Qian's disdainful laugh at all.

She suddenly made her move!

A layer of sword energy wrapped around the broken sword in her hand before shooting towards her nearest opponent.

A ray of light flash from the sword and a bloody gash appeared on the man's chest. Blood instantly began to spill from the wound.

At the same time, a man behind him charged towards her and aimed his sword at her head with a fierce light in his eyes!
