The Inheritance (1)

Wen Ya turned very pale in the face. She immediately lowered her eyelids, concealing the cold light within her gaze.

"Senior Brother Yun Yan, I understand. I can guarantee that I'll never do this again."

Upon hearing this, Yun Yan's expression softened, "Alright, you may leave."

Wen Ya took a deep breath upon hearing Yun Yan's words. She then slowly left without another word. However, when she closed the door, her graceful and beautiful expression turned horrifyingly sinister.

In the room, Yun Yan stared at Wen Ya's departing figure and entered into deep thought.

"This Wen Ya is not like anyone else!" He exclaimed after a long pause. "She could still manage to explain herself so calmly after I had chastised her, not many would have such wisdom! I want you to go pay Gu Ruoyun a visit now and inform her of this matter so that she can be aware that this had happened."

"Yes, Senior Brother Yun Yan."