The Sacred Beast (1)

Wen Ya felt an agitated sense of nervousness on her face as if she could sense all the disdainful stares directed towards her. She immediately felt the strong urge to squeeze into a hole in the ground.

Elder Tianren did not think too much of it. To him, he was only making casual conversation. He then returned his attention to Gu Ruoyun and was just about to speak when a dragon's roar shook the ground.

The crowd lifted their heads and turned around. Their eyes immediately set upon a large white dragon hovering in the sky! It was so big that its gigantic body almost covered the vast expanse of the sky.

This white dragon was twice the size of the dragon in Gu Ruoyun's possession. Of course, its power was no small matter either! Even standing beneath this great white dragon was enough to feel its powerful suppression.

"That's the Sacred Beast?"