Brother And Sister Meet Again (4)

A slim chance for survival?

Gu Ruoyun lifted the corners of her lips, "A slim chance of survival is better than certain death! At least there's a chance for survival! Zixie, tell me where that path is!"

An exasperated voice rang out within her soul.

"Since you've made your decision, I will take you to the path I know so you have a chance at survival. However, you must be ready! This road is far more difficult than the trials and tribulations you've experienced in the past! If you fall, your soul will be destroyed!"

Her soul would be destroyed!

This also means that if Gu Ruoyun falls, she would no longer exist in this world.

Similarly, she would never have any chance of reincarnation!

"No matter the dangers in the road ahead, I have to try, right?" A light flashed in Gu Ruoyun's eyes as she continued, "For him, I won't have any regrets even if my soul ends up getting destroyed!"