The Empire's Elite's Cover-Up (3)

"Fantastic! That's fantastic!" Elder Wuxu laughed in spite of his anger. "I only hope that you don't regret what you've done today!"

He gritted his teeth as he finished his sentence.

Lin You was his disciple after all. In the end, this group of people had injured his disciple in such a way right in front of him! Especially that despicable b*stard, Li Qing! Even though he may have caused hindrances to the General's Mansion for Prime Minister Lin's sake, he had never crossed the line. In the end, this despicable b*stard was now helping an outsider!

I really can't understand what kind of enchantment Gu Ruoyun has placed on him to cause him to insist on helping her so much!

"Furthermore, Li Qing, I will report every single detail about everything you've done today to your father!"