Brother And Sister Meet Again (3)

After receiving his orders, the black-robed man joined his fists and replied with reverence, "As You command, Your Imperial Majesty!"

The black-robed man then withdrew. Once he had left, the entire palace returned to its previously chilly atmosphere as the Heavenly Moon Emperor stared coldly at the tightly shut palace door, his thoughts unreadable.


A gentle breeze was blowing through the tranquil forest. Qianbei Ye, who was holding Gu Ruoyun in his arms, suddenly paused as a smile crept up on his peerless features.

"Yun'er, do you think that the Regional King would let us get away with it after attacking Su Lin?"

Gu Ruoyun sensed something and smiled calmly. "The world believes that the Regional King is a reasonable man but I seem to feel that it's not the case! If the Regional King was really that reasonable, he would not have produced a daughter like Su Lin. Am I right, Xiao Ye?"