The Underworld's Restricted Area (1)

"Let's go."

Qianbei Ye did not seem to notice the hesitation in Gu Ruoyun's eyes as he held her gently and walked through the gate into the Underworld.

Qing Ming, who was waiting respectfully for the couple at the gate, had been there for a very long time. His eyes lit up as he quickly stepped forward and spoke with reverence, "Young Master, Young Madam, you've returned?"

Qianbei Ye nodded in satisfaction upon hearing how Qing Ming had addressed Gu Ruoyun. "Qing Ming, what's the status of the task that I've given you?"

"Reporting to the Young Master, I've followed your orders and punished the Left Protector. I will ensure that she suffers a fate worse than death!"

"That's good." A vicious light flashed in Qianbei Ye's eyes. "Next, I want you to make some preparations. Yun'er will be staying in the Underworld for the time being so make the necessary arrangements immediately. She will be sleeping in my room."