Meeting Lan Ge Again (3)

"To the people of the world, your existence as a demibeast human is a great sin." The elder laughed icily. "Lan Ge, you better accept your death like a good boy. Demibeast humans should never have existed in the world anyway! Besides, why have so many forces ended up fearing you after they had traveled to the Cloudy Wind Empire? If you haven't done anything devious, would they have turned out that way?"

"Hahaha!" Lan Ge seemed to have heard a funny joke and burst into laughter. "Those people were not satisfied with being oppressed by the Cloudy Wind Empire so they had formed an alliance to cause trouble for me. What's wrong with me retaliating against them? Simply because you're human and I'm a demibeast human, whenever it comes to right or wrong, I will always be in the wrong?"