The Dragon Clan (7)

How could Long Yan remain unmoved when faced with the sight of the woman he loves shielding another man? Besides, he has been pursuing Long Ling'er for over ten years but she had never done anything else to encourage him. Now, she was smiling so happily in front of this demibeast human.

How could he not feel jealous over this?

"Long Yan, if you continue to treat Lan Ge in this manner, don't ever show your face in front of me again. I can complete this task alone and I don't need you!"

Long Ling'er scoffed icily as she remarked irritably.

Long Yan shut his eyes in agony before he reopened them after a long pause. There was a sense of struggle in his eyes.

"Ling'er, you will regret putting your trust in these people one day, especially these humans. They are the most cunning of all and you will only lose by interacting with them. All I've ever done has been for your own good, why won't you listen to me?"