The Dragon Clan (14)

Their kiss grew longer with the passage of time and gradually intensified.

Qianbei Ye pressed Gu Ruoyun's body against the wall and his large hand grabbed the back of her head. His kiss grew from its initial tenderness to become more forceful as a gentle smile appeared in his red eyes.


Just as the two had grown deeply affectionate, the room's door suddenly burst open. Qianbei Ye's expression turned black in an instant and a cold, gloomy aura was released from his body.

"That's them, they're the ones who wanted to hurt the Clan Leader. Take them away!"

A team of guards then rushed forward and charged towards Gu Ruoyun and Qianbei Ye.

Qianbei Ye's aura grew even colder and eerier as a murderous intent gradually rose from his body.

Just as he was about to make the move to kill those people, Gu Ruoyun suddenly reached out and grabbed his hand tightly before saying, "Don't be hasty. let's ask them what's going on first."