Punishing The Traitors (6)

The Dragon Clan citizens were closing in on the Clan Leader and the others when someone laughed gently. The light sound tore through the air and broke the anxious atmosphere.

"This illusion was very well crafted, even the dragon's roar had such a great aura. I wonder if you can release this illusion once more so that I may see it again?"

Murong Xiao's complacent expression froze instantly. His cold eyes turned towards the gently smiling woman beneath him as murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Gu Ruoyun smiled. "I'd like to see this illusionary Dragon King again. I wonder if that's convenient?"

As she spoke, she had purposely clenched her teeth at the word 'illusionary'.

Murong Xiao's expression grew increasingly unsightly. Even the crowd beneath him could sense the eerily cold murderous air from his being.