Returning To The Secret Order (9)

The Left Emissary stumbled backward and nearly fell onto the ground.

His eyes were filled with agony and an endless struggle.

"Yue'er, have you really never loved me?"


Wen Yue's reply was very matter-of-fact and left no leeway for misunderstanding.

This one word was the final straw which broke the camel's back. The Left Emissary lost all control as he crumpled onto the ground. Suddenly, he burst into mad laughter.

"Lord Left Emissary..."

Wen Ya was panicking, afraid that the Left Emissary would cause trouble for the Wen family.

However, the Left Emissary paid no attention to them. His gaze was only fixed on Wen Yue.

"Yue'er, I don't care who you love. We are now married and there's no way for you to go back on your word!"