Trouble Befalls Xia Linyu (4)

Outside the main hall.

A guard led a Raging Inferno Lion into the room and approached the man.

The man stared indifferently at the pitch black main hall behind him before he turned towards the Raging Inferno Lion and said, "This woman has lied to me and arrogantly relied on indulgence to try and use me. There's no need for you to be gentle with her today! As long as you don't harm the child in her womb, you can play with her until you are satisfied!"

This woman was of no consequence to him. It was the child in her belly that he wanted. Otherwise, he would have killed her long ago!

Everyone knows that demi-beast humans' talents have always been powerful! That was the result of reckless mating! If he chose a pair of compatible beast and human and conducted relations between them, the demi-beast human child that they would produce would be even more powerful!

He had first selected the Raging Inferno Lion before selecting Murong Qian.