Qianbei Ye Returns (3)

"Sir Xia."

Ye Luan's heart leaped and she crawled up from the ground to rush towards Xia Linyu. Her eyes flashed with hatred but her face was incomparably bashful, "Sir Xia, this sl*t, Gu Lan, has come to cause trouble for us. She has even brought someone who claims to be your sister. These two women want to take you away. Tell them now that you love me and that you don't want to leave with them."

Xia Linyu did not speak. His limpid eyes stared at Gu Ruoyun as a hint of confusion appeared in his gaze.

"Who are you?"

Why does this woman feel so familiar to him? It was as if they were connected through their souls...

Actually, Xia Linyu's sense of familiarity towards Gu Ruoyun was entirely due to the fact that they had been reincarnated through the Ancient Divine Pagoda. This was why he feels a sense of familiarity from Gu Ruoyun's being.

Gu Ruoyun slowly walked towards Xia Linyu with a gentle smile on her face.