A Grand Wedding, A Universal Celebration (3)

Grand Lord Hong Lian's features sank when he saw the pregnant woman and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.


He smacked his hand on the table and instantly rose to his feet. His cold eyes glared at the pregnant woman as he replied in an icy voice, "Murong Qian, what do you want this time? Do you think that this is your territory?"

"Grand Lord Hong Lian, are you shamed into anger?" Murong Qian sneered. "Naturally, I'm here to look for my husband."

Once she had spoken, she turned her gaze towards Qianbei Ye and her once furious eyes turned calm as she slowly spoke, "Ye, have you forgotten our promise? My belly is carrying your child. Why have you thrown me away to marry this woman?" Murong Qian pointed at Gu Ruoyun as she stared at Qianbei Ye hurtfully. "What spell had she cast to make you marry her?"
