The Final Battle (2)

"No matter what happens next, the three of us must not separate!"

Qianbei Ye curled his lips into a small smile. His demonic red eyes gazed upon the lucid and elegant woman as he informed her solemnly, "Yun'er, you must remember that no matter what happens in the battle ahead, you can't judge the situation only with your eyes, you must judge everything from the heart! You must also understand that I will be by your side no matter what!"

Gu Ruoyun was shaken when she heard what Qianbei Ye had pointed out in his words. However, though he had not elaborated further, she did not question him either.

She trusts Qianbei Ye!

She also understands that the man before her would never hurt her! Since this was what he had said, he would certainly have his reasons! He must also have his reasons for not giving her a clear explanation!

Hence, Gu Ruoyun nodded gently. "Alright, I understand! Let us now journey forward to fight Cang Ming to the death!"
