The Final Battle (10)

 Gu Ruoyun quickened her pace at the thought of this and soon came face to face with the heroic facade of the Imperial Palace.

She could already smell the stench of blood from a distance. The putrid smell caused her to worry even more and she quickly pushed the Imperial Palace's great doors open.

"Father, Mother!"

There was an unusual atmosphere in the silent Imperial Palace as Gu Ruoyun rushed in while crying out anxiously.

"The formation has been broken? That's impossible! No one could break this formation from the outside unless they were at the Full Circle State. Could it be that Cang Ming has broken through to the Full Circle State?"

Her panic increased the more she thought about this and she quickly scrambled towards the bedchamber in the rear courtyard...

However, she suddenly stopped when she was halfway there and her body trembled gently.