The End (1)

Gu Ruoyun looked at Cang Ming and asked calmly, "I'm only curious, based on your powers, I'm afraid that I don't have much room to retaliate against you. Why had you put me into that illusion? What's the use in that?"

This time, before Cang Ming could reply, Zixie's voice chimed in, "He knows that if you were to find out that Qianbei Ye had fallen, you would disregard everything else to avenge him. Knowing you, you would never want to drag your friends down along with you so you would have certainly severed your contract with me. If our contract was broken, the Ancient Divine Pagoda would once again become an item with no Master."

Zixie paused before he continued to speak, "Little girl, his final goal isn't only to break through to the Full Circle State, he's after the Ancient Divine Pagoda as well!"