Side Story: Xue'er And Xun'er (8)

"Hehe." Zuo Qianqian laughed scornfully and said disdainfully, "You're a princess who doesn't deserve the Zuo name, what right do you have to chastise me? You're better off trying to gain Imperial Father's favor. Otherwise, you will only end up being abandoned by the Imperial family."

When Zuo Qianqian had finished saying her piece, she turned her lustful gaze towards Qianbei Xun again. "I know that you're only tagging along with her just for her title. However, it's clear that you've been deceived. She's only an unfavored princess but if you're willing to come with me, I can guarantee that no one in the Vermillion Bird Country would dare to touch you."

As she spoke, Zuo Qianqian decided to reach out and stroke the young man's fair, jade-like skin.

However, before she could touch the young man, a piercing pain shot out from the palm of her hand and she screamed.
