
Victory! Non-stop victory.

Dollar won again and again, which thrilled the Alliance. More and more people became excited about the Divinity's Bout, as the focus on Dollar increased.

Although there were many differing opinions, the mainstream media were all hopeful that Dollar could see his trials through and manage to become a Son of God, or perhaps even the number one Son of God.

At the same time, there were many people trying to determine who the elusive Dollar actually was.

Some people believed he was a gifted child of some large organization, with profound talent. Made-up stories said he could walk around the day he was born. He could fight when he was merely one year old and admire women with big boobies by the time he was three.

Others were firm in the belief that Dollar had volunteered for some super geno engineering. They believed the genes of his composition had been modified, enabling the supreme power he wielded.