Battle with the Son of God

He had long white hair to skirt his cold, handsome face. He wore a white robe hemmed with gold, and he approached like the Son of God he was. The whole world seemed humbled by his mere presence.

Everyone watched the Light Son of God come on stage, and they all froze with bated breath. His oppressive presence made it difficult for the audience to look at him straight. To look at him felt like blasphemy.

"So handsome!" A woman could not help but blurt out. He looked so holy, even a woman from a different race couldn't help but find him attractive.

Compared to humanity, the Light Son of God was like a perfect being. He stood casually, yet he emitted a holy aura that belittled everyone else who looked at him.

The Light Son of God was of a similar height to Han Sen, but from the way he stood, he looked taller. It was as if he was looking down on Dollar. His eyes were full of disdain, as if Han Sen's worth was less than that of an ant.