One Versus the Whole Sanctuary

It took Han Sen four days to return to Moving Star Shelter.

By the time he got back, the fight was already over and the crisis had been averted, or at the very least met head-on during his absence and resolved in a massive battle he had missed out on.

When Han Sen returned, though, he wasn't exactly delighted at the results. Before him lay the ruins and remnants of what was once a glorious and immaculately conceived and constructed shelter. And in the midst of the ruins was Xie Qing King, who seemed to be enjoying a nice, cold beer. Still, he was glad the place had been saved and his companions had pulled through.

"Good job." Han Sen gave him a high-five.

Han Sen had heard what had transpired through Thorn Queen, especially what Xie Qing King had managed pull off in order to kill Gold General.

"I am Xie Qing King, not Xie Qing Emperor," Xie Qing King said.

"I thought you were a super emperor now!" Han Sen said, in hysterics.