Asura’s Betrayal

"Well, now that I know you're on my side, I have a problem you might be able to help me with." Han Sen went on to tell Dragon King about the coming siege Moment Queen had reported.

"Are you saying the entire Third God's Sanctuary is against us? And who is Godslayer Luo, anyway?" Dragon King asked, with widened eyes.

"He was a human who slaughtered a bunch of spirits in this place," Han Sen explained succinctly.

"Are you sure? How could he have triggered the ire of so many emperors if all he did was go about killing and conquering, very much like what you have done?" Dragon King thought it was quite strange.

Han Sen admitted, "I don't know the full story behind it, I'll be honest. But to make so many spirits and emperors hate him, he must have done something far worse than kill a bunch of pompous spirits. This is unusual, I'll confess."