Never Reach the Top Ten

Little Jade Lion King stepped onto the battlefield and let out a lion roar that sounded like thunder. The entire arena trembled at the sound.

Han Sen was not scared; he was actually happy. He could immediately tell it was the heir of a super creature. Killing spirits on a geno battleground was useless, but killing super creatures was useful. You could get their beast souls, their Life Geno Essences, and in some instances, their flesh.

When the lion saw Han Sen, it looked murderous. It opened its maw and cast out a laserbeam towards Han Sen. It was so fast, it came right at him. Not wanting to scare the lion off, Han Sen wasn't going to stand and block the roarborne blast. Instead, he just moved like a bird to dodge the attack.

Seeing its attack had failed, the lion king looked incredibly angry. It opened its lion mouth and continuously shot out a flurry of beams. It really wanted to kill Han Sen with its roarblasts.