A Way to Absorb Life Geno Essences

Little Jade Lion King was worried about the geno core in second place, She-King Blade. The ones between third and tenth place were known to him, and he only had to tell them not to accept any challenges from Crystal Core. They'd listen.

She-King Blade, the one in second place, belonged to a human. He had never seen the human before, but he did know that the human was strong. The spirits that challenged her would usually get killed straight away.

If the person in first rank hadn't avoided her challenges, she would have most certainly reached first place already.

"Ah, of course, it's okay if he challenges that human. He'll die to her, anyway," Little Jade Lion King thought in anger.

He had no idea Han Sen was a human, though. And Han Sen himself knew that She-King Blade was his little sister.

Han Sen observed the top ten. He was unable to challenge first place, and neither could he challenge the person in second place, which was his sister.