White Jade Jing

Han Sen had walked the sky jade steps, and everyone knew Thousand Feather Crane had to carry him into Sky Palace.

This was far too weird, though. Han Sen had almost passed out when he was brought inside. Thousand Feather Crane continued carrying him until they reached the leader of Sky Palace.

Han Sen was drifting in and out of consciousness. He couldn't see what the leader of Sky Palace looked like, but he was brought back out by Thousand Feather Crane.

Something this strange had never happened before, so there was much discussion surrounding the event.

"This must be the first time the old man has met with someone that was carried in. I heard his own beard bent in surprise."

"How could he walk the Road to the Sky like that? That guy's unique."

"Or more like creepy. Haha!"

"No matter how creepy he is, the old man still accepted him. He still managed to obtain a placement in White Jade Building. He is lucky to be Knife Queen's student."