Jade Air

Open air extended as far as Han Sen could see both above and below Sky Palace. The islands floated together in the midst of a seemingly endless sea of sky.

Han Sen sat on Thousand Feather Crane's bird and admired the view. After one hour of travel, the snow-white bird descended on one island in particular. The island was situated between the clouds, so their vision was a little hindered. What could be seen clearly, however, were the twelve jade towers rising amidst the clouds.

The snow-white bird landed on the island, and Thousand Feather Crane and Han Sen dismounted. He noticed the whole island was composed of jade, but it didn't look manmade.

Thousand Feather Crane headed towards the White Jade Building. When Han Sen looked over there, he saw it glisten. He had barely been able to see the twelve White Jade Buildings from the air. When he was standing on the island, all he could see was one of them in front of him. The other eleven were nowhere to be seen.