Absorbing Jade Air

The feeling was amazing. It was like many small ice cubes were melting around him. They melted when they touched his skin, and were then absorbed.

As the Jade Air was absorbed into his cells, Han Sen noticed some changes that were happening across his body. His skin was developing a jade-like color. Under the influence of the Jade Air, Yun Fei and the others were all shining like crystals. They were like statues built from jade.

"This powerful Jade Air can change the genes of the body? This Jade Air must come from a xenogeneic gene, yes?" Han Sen thought to himself.

"Left Crazy did say that rocks possessed sentience, but their lives are different from ours. White Jade Jing must be a creature, and the Jade Air must be a xenogeneic gene. That being said, I can't determine the level of White Jade Jing." Han Sen made a number of guesses while he absorbed the Jade Air.