You Come, I Go

Han Sen sighed as he tried to think of which skill he might need in order to defeat Lone Bamboo. Han Sen had mastered many techniques, but when compared to Lone Bamboo, he only excelled in a meager few.

Lone Bamboo could spend a lifetime learning proficiency with a skill in the space of one dream. Han Sen, however, was just a human. A life was only a few decades long. He wasn't even a hundred years old, and so he couldn't compete with Lone Bamboo.

If they were going to continue competing like this, Han Sen would run out of skills to use. So, he had to end the fight. This could not go on much longer.

"But how do I stop Lone Bamboo?" Han Sen wondered. But then, the light of an idea popped up.

Han Sen moved his Ghost Teeth Knife, but it wasn't headed for Lone Bamboo. He struck a rock on the ground and cut out a ten-meter-long, rectangular stone. He placed it on the ground.

People were curious and unsure what he was doing.