One Sword Wakes the Heart Demon

"D*mn! This guy has a powerful sonic skill?" The audience at Sky Palace had their mouths wide open.

Yun Suyi looked very happy. She looked at Yun Changkong and asked, "Dad, does that mean that Han Sen passed the test?"

"I guess so." Yun Changkong saw Han Sen's sword convey a portion of his strong mind, but since Yun Changkong wasn't proficient with sonic powers, he couldn't judge too accurately.

"It is your turn." Lone Bamboo saw the words Han Sen had written, and after a glimmer of surprise, he returned to his normal state. He spoke to Han Sen calmly.

Han Sen was delighted. He had learned from Six Paths Emperor the Six Paths swordskills. Amongst them was Sonic Sword, which he also took the time to learn. It was fortunate he had learned it, too. If he hadn't, he'd have lost right then and there.