A Punch and a Punch

"Dollar?" The woman recognized the person hovering in front of her.

The Extreme King were quite full of themselves, and since they always thought themselves superior to others, they didn't participate in the Geno Being Scroll. They did, however, keenly watch the fights that unfolded there.

That was especially true of the Marquise fights. The woman had watched each and every one of them. She recognized the gold armor Han Sen was wearing.

"I will be keeping this. You can go now," Han Sen stated, turning the Destroyed Bible over in his hands.

He had used Little Invisible to hide himself so he could follow Bai Lin, but he had waited until now to make a move.

He hadn't wanted to take action while they were inside Six Star xenogeneic space, but as he followed the fox sisters, he noticed the Extreme King woman was pursuing them as well.