Watching the Destroyed Inheritance

The three lights of the triangle merged to become a swirling grey color. When you looked at the symbol from one side, the grey color shifted to black, and if you looked from the other side, the grey turned white.

The triangle seemed to pulse with that mystic grey. The color stained Han Meng'er's power grey, as well.

Han Sen could sense a frightening presence radiating from the power, and it seemed as if all that energy was going to explode.

Han Meng'er held the Bible comfortably in one hand, as if she hadn't noticed any of the power surging around her. Her other hand flicked through the Bible's pages. From what Han Sen could see, there were many images and sections of text within. It was like he was watching a 3D movie flicker past on the pages.

Although Han Sen couldn't open the book himself, he had no trouble seeing the book's content now that someone else had opened it.