White Bone Hell

When Han Sen's vision returned to him, a very disturbing sight greeted his eyes.

White bones were everywhere. In one place, they had been piled up to form a small mountain. It was difficult to fathom how many lives had been lost there.

The earth there was full of the essence of death. The skies were blood red, and the rains that fell from the sky were crimson.

A river coursed its way through the mountain, and its water was red. He had stepped into a new world, and the whole place was bloody.

Han Sen stood atop the mountain of bones, and he could see that the entire thing was composed of skulls. The hellish skeletal gate stood at the mountain's peak.

Fox Queen stood next to Han Sen, chains still running from her neck and limbs. The chains had followed her through the gate.

"What is this place?" Han Sen asked as he looked around.